これで、十分じゃないか。私は100%ムスリムだ、「あなた」の前では。もう、おめでとうだ。しかし実際は他のイスラム教徒の前で、信仰を表明して「お仲間」に入れてもらう手続きが必要らしい。そうしないといけないことになっているという。「そんなこと意味がない」私は抗った。癪に触った。私は既にちゃんとやっている。その辺のムスリムよりもちゃんとやっているぞ。いっぱいお酒飲んでるムスリムだって知ってる。悪いこと沢山やってるムスリムだって知ってる。すっごい性格悪いムスリムだって知ってる。なのにどうして、生まれつきムスリムだというだけで偉そうにしているそうした面々の前で、「入れていただく」儀式をしないといけないのか?!そんな思いをしながら随分時間が経った、自分の思いにこだわって随分苦しんだ。そうした頃、一緒にアラビア語を勉強していて、イスラム面白いね、なんて言っていた友達が、とん!とムスリムになった。「なっちゃった!」と。「なっちゃった」だと!私がこんなにこんなに苦しんでいるのに、「なっ・ちゃっ・た」? 悔しかった、悲しかった、歯ぎしりするほど悔しかった。何が?何に対して?私が猛烈にムスリムに「ちゃんとなりたがっている」のは明らかだった。質問に答えてくれているご相談役にことの顛末を話すと、涙が溢れてきた。そして気が付いた「そんな意味がない」ことに一番こだわっているのは、自分だ。「あなた」と私との一対一の関係がイスラムならば、いいじゃないか、周りに嫌なムスリムが何人いようとも。尊敬できないムスリムばかりだったとしても。私と「あなた」だけで。
I see Amazon now. There are many books related to Islam. Its so good.
At my time, there were no books at all.
Maybe only very complicated academic ones.
The book which I liked most was "What is Islam" which was written by a foreigner and translated into Japanese.
Because it was translation, it told me about Islam in a matter-of-fact way excluding any emotion. It didn't have smell of "religion". It solved my questions item by item. I liked that's simplicity which was in the complete opposite of complicity. It had no flashy decoration but it was just straight, simple, pure and consistent. It had no discrepancy. The simple language was enough to explain. Even kindergarten pupil can understand, the apparent teaching for human beings, never contradict to Japanese conscience. It didn't take time until I think "This is the thing".
On some books a name of Islamic organisation in Japan was written. So I visited the place. I had a happy bitter laugh because as I expected I found there ordinary people in good sense and bad sense. Some Pakistani, Japanese and Libyan people were there. I received many pamphlets and decided to join an Arabic class which would start from the following week. I found a person who can reply my questions after reading those pamphlets. "There wouldn't be something else but this" I was even more certain.
It was easy to understand Islam and accept because it is visible theory. One reading and some questions were enough. However it was very hard to understand and accept invisible thing because I myself had to go to find it. There were books explain what is "Islam" but what is "God". One day I found a thin old miserable book in a library. The language was very poor. "Why a public library keeps this kind of book?" The book was written by a Turkish person in Japanese. I liked the Japanese. Because it was not fluent it had no decoration on the sentences. Some pictures and explanation impressed me. When I saw a picture of Monkey King on the palm of Buddha, I remembered the relation between human being and God. Also there was one picture of TV which screen is in darkness. Once the switch is turned on people and animals start to move lively and the world of colour starts. We believe "this is the world" and live like the people and animals inside the TV screen but once the switch is turned off, only the darkness remains. If I want to live in real sense, do I have to admit the TV exists? Switch exists? Something which turns the switch on?
The more I read, the closer I found the "something". If a word "God" is the only one which can express the something, it must be God. That "something" kindly enough to people or to me individually is giving advices precisely the way I can succeed and the way I can be happy in minute details. Pork? That "something" is giving me many other delicious food. Alcohol? I don't really need it. Gradually I didn't feel like having them because He is telling me so kindly only for my goodness, "You'd better avoid them."
At the same time I wanted to have the things which He tells me "You'd better take them". So I started Islamic prayer holding one of the pamphlets. Japanese people are used to bow deeply sitting on the floor. But He included the action putting both palms on the floor and also the forehead on the floor to the prayer. I admire His wisdom. The action sitting on the floor and bowing to Him isn't enough but once I put my palms and forehead on the floor, I am surrendering Him 100%. Never defying but I totally surrender Him but with comfort. Everyday I came close to Him reading Quran in Arabic and enjoyed conversation with Him.
Isn't this enough? I must be 100% muslim in His sight. Congratulations to me! But in fact I heared I need to go through a ceremony to join them. I felt, No I don't need such "meaningless" thing. That irritated me. I am doing well! More than any muslims around! I know many muslims drinking alcohol, doing bad things, or having very bad character. Then why should I go in front of them and ask me to join? Just because they are born as muslims? Feeling such unfairness, days had passed. Hard days had passed. I had a friend in the Arabic class who was also interested in Islam. We were close and often sharing time. While I was suffering from the deep thought, she, became a muslim, "Well I happened to become a muslim." Happened? While I was suffering and suffering spending hard days, she, just, happened, to become a muslim? I was deeply frustrated and deeply sad. For what? I don't know for what but I was so frustrated. It was now obvious that I wanted to become a muslim. When I started to talk what happened to the person who always replied my questions, I couldn't control the flow of tears. Then I realised I was the one who got stuck to such "meaningless" thing. If the direct relation between He and I is Islam, that's it. I don't need to care how many unrespectable muslims are around. Only God and me is enough.
Then, I became a muslim.