その後、番組は年末っていうことでキリスト教の救世軍の社会鍋にスポットが当てられました。Later, as the programmed was showing Tokyo at the end of the year, they focused on the Christian Salvation Army's social pot.
The person who was in charge of fundraising at the social pot had been homeless himself. He was saved by the support of the Salvation Army and the people, and he has chosen to live his faith.
The program was showing their raising money and support using the money, but what struck me more than anything was his praying. It wasn't a very church-like building, it was a normal room, not very big, but he was praying with his head hanging down and his hands folded in front of the wall.
前には何もない。There's nothing in front of him.
彼が祈ってる先は、少なくとも人じゃない。「神」なんですね。それを見ると、やっぱりどうしても私はそちらの方に納得がいくんですね。唯一のこの世や人間や全てを創造した何かに祈っているっていう方が、私的には矛盾がなく、理に適っていると感じるし、すっきりと受け入れられるのです。At least it's not a person he's praying to. It's "God". When I saw that, I couldn't help but agreed with him. It makes more sense to me that he is praying to the only one who created the world, human beings and everything.
「いいことはいいんだ、みんな一緒にやりましょう」っていうことのようで、日本の伝統に 戻ると言うか「神仏習合」ですね、みんな一緒でいいじゃん、一緒に仲良くやっちゃいましょうということで、知り合いのお若い神主さんを呼んできて、その同じバーの中にですね、何ですかね神社?というのか神棚というのかを作ってしまって、要するにそこはバー寺なんだけれども、バー寺でありバー神社でありになっちゃったんですね。いやああくまでもお寺なのかなあ、そこにたまたま神棚があるだけで神社ではないのかあ?そのご住職、そのお友達神主さんと一緒にユニット組んで歌って踊って YouTube に上げたりされていましたね。
So, the story turned to like a punch line, at least for me.
The priest, going back to the Japanese tradition "Shinbutsu Shugo” maybe, invited another young Shinto priest to join. He was saying like "Good things are good, let's do it together”. His friend Shinto priest put a Shinto altar and the “bar temple” turned into “bar shrine”, or temporarl “bar shrine” maybe.
That temple priest and the shinto priest formed a unit and sang and danced together and were posting it on Youtube.
そうなってくると、なんか、あれっ?ていう感じで。And then I was like, "What?????" full of question marks.
誰かが神棚持ち込んだとかではなく、ご住職自ら、というのがねえ、日本っぽいと言うか何というか。It's not like someone brought a Shinto altar to the temple, but the priest of the temple himself brought it. Very Japanese or what?
二人が歌っている横にはちゃっかりイエスの 絵と十字架が置かれていて、なんでもありになってきて、さらに不思議な感じになっていました。
Next to the two singing, there was a picture of Jesus and a cross, so anything was possible, and it became even more mysterious.
おもしろいねえ日本。 Interesting Japan, isn't it?