

Are the Japanese really non-religious⑷? What I want foreign Muslims to know one more time, you may be narrow-minded. 日本人は本当に無宗教なのか⑷。やっぱり外国人イスラム教徒に知っておいてもらいたい「心が狭いのはあなた」かも。 

NHK のドキュメントを見て、日本人の宗教観についてちょっと書いているんですが、一話目の副題に「外国人イスラム教徒に知ってもらいたい」と書きまして。すると当の外国人イスラム教徒の方からメッセージをいただきまして、それに今日はここでお答えしてみます

I'm writing a little bit about Japanese people's religious views after watching a documentary on NHK.
In the subtitle of the first story I wrote  "I want foreign Muslims to know", and then I received a message from the foreign Muslim, so I'll try to answer it here today.




"Isn't religion a culture for Japanese people?


よくわからなくないですか? I don't understand it, do you?

どういう意味で言っているのだろう。。。What does the person mean by that?




In Islam, there are divine rules, divine truth,divine teachings, divine decrees, and people have to follow them (whether they can or not). That is what religion should be. But in the case of the Japanese, isn't religion just a cultural thing? Because they have Christmas, they get married in church, they have Halloween, they visit shirines in new year days, they have funerals in Buddhisim, they participate in various events of various religions.


っていうご質問だったですね。That was the question.


最初は、軽〜く返信するつもりだったんです「そうですね〜、そうかも知れない。」って。At first I was going to reply lightly, "Well, yes, I guess so..."


でもハタと考え込んでしまって。おいおい、そんな単純なことじゃないだろ。But then I stopped and started to think about it. It's not that simple, is it?



No, no, there's a misunderstanding.  It's not the matter of culture but religious view itself.


外国人イスラム教徒の宗教観と日本人の宗教観がそもそも違うんじゃないか?Isn't the religious view of foreign Muslims different from that of Japanese people?



For Japanese people, there have always been gods, there have been Buddhas, and there have been Christianity. and when they see the sun, they put their hands together and pray, they pray to the mountains, the sea, the trees, the moon, to Mount Fuji and many other places.

For Japanese people, religion is not a choice, it is there.   


日本人にとって全てを創造した創造主っていうのは、寛容で大きく優しくて全てを受け入れて包容してくれる存在じゃないのか。For Japanese people, the Creator who created everything is a big, kind and tolerant being who accepts and embraces everything.



It doesn't matter what kind of teachings they follow, as long as they are doing good things with good thoughts, good purposes, good hearts and good intentions. It doesn't matter if it's an ancient Japanese religion, a Western teaching or an Indian philosophy or so. What is good is good.



The creator of Japanese senses is a higher being, who accepts everything as long as they are doing what they think is good. It is enough to have a good heart, to be honest and sincere to oneself and others, to live a normal life without doing anything wrong, and to think about and be grateful to the Creator at every opportunity. That's enough.




But to ask who your creator is? God, Buddha, Jesus, Shiva or Allah?  To ask it is not elegant, to choose any one of them is narrow-minded because the creator itself is more profound and magnificent, it doesn't matter what you worship, it doesn't matter if it changes from time to time, it doesn't matter if it's Japanese or foreign, it doesn't matter if it's one, two, three or more. 


「本物は一つだけなんだからそれだけを拝みなさい!なんて言うから宗教間の対立が生まれるんでしょ?もっと大らかに受け入れなきゃ、何にでも、有難い有難いっていう遜った気持ちを持ってなきゃ。」って、イスラム教徒なんて一神教を標榜する、もしかすると料簡が狭い最たるもので、あらあらと憐れみすら持って見られているのかも知れません。"You say that real religion is only one so pray only to the god.  That's why there are conflicts between religions, isn't it? You have to be more open-minded and accept anything, you have to be humble and appreciative of everything. " they may say and even be looked at Muslims with pity as they may be the most narrow-minded people who advocate monotheism.



Even if you tell them that Islam is such and such, it is just one of the many beliefs that they say "it's a good teaching", nothing more and nothing less.



神でも仏でも観音様でもお釈迦様でもそんなもの何でもいいのです。もっとその先の広いものを見据えているのだから。It is not harmful as long as you worship your family's traditional Buddha or God or whatever, but at the moment you claim that the real religion is only one, you are considered narrow-minded and exclusive.   Anyone who chooses to practice a particular religion are considered dangerous.


日本人にとって宗教って文化に過ぎないんじゃないかって言われると、やっぱりハタと止まって考えて、結局そうだとも、そうではないとも言えず、そうですねえ〜等と答えてはぐらかしてしまう。つまり議論が噛み合っていないのです。When people ask me whether religion is just a culture for Japanese people, I stop and think about it, and in the end I can't say whether it is or it isn't, and I just answer, "Well, maybe yes..." and dodge the question. In other words, the discussion is not on the same page.



But I still think there is a faith in it.




これを信仰と言わずして何と言う? Isn't this faith?